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UConn Club Racquetball can send 2 teams, composed of 8 men and 8 women each, to each tournament. That totals to 16 men and 16 women that can attend each tournament.
Who can attend the tournaments is determined by ladder position. The top 16 players on the mens and womens ladders get first choice to attend, and only if they can’t make it can the next in line on each ladder decide to attend or not. (EX: Two men within the top 16 cannot make it to a tournament so the men ranked 17 and 18 have the option to attend)
Ladder position will also determine what division you play in at tournaments. As a general rule, higher ranked players on each team play in higher/harder divisions.
Challenge Matches: Moving Up or Down the Ladder
To move up the ladder you challenge team members above you in a full match. If you win you take their spot and bump them down one along with whoever is ranked in between the two originally.
It is a pyramid challenge system where you can challenge everyone in your row and the row above you.
Row 1: #1
Row 2: #2-3
Row 3: #4-6
Row 4: #7-10
Row 5: #11-15
Row 6: #16+
Challenge Rules
You cannot issue more than one challenge at once.
You can only be receiving 1 challenge at once.
If you win a challenge match, you have a grace period of 24 hours where you are allowed to challenge up before receiving another challenge. This does not cancel a challenge if you have another one pending. Also does not apply for #1.
You may not call the “winner” of a challenge match before it is played, you must either wait to challenge after the match or challenge a specific person before the match. If 2 players want to challenge the same person immediately following a match, or during the grace period, the higher ranked player takes priority.
You have 3 days to play a challenge match. If there is no response after 3 days, the challenger automatically moves up. Exceptions can decided by the captains if there are extenuating circumstances.
All challenges must be issued by Friday before rosters are due and played before Sunday night. If you challenge Friday and they don’t have time to play, challenge someone else.
Match Rules
Challenge matches will be best of 3 games. The first two games will be first to 15 points. If necessary, the third game, or tiebreaker, will be first to 11 points. The winner of the match is the player who wins two games.
There will be 3 timeouts allowed for each of the first two games in a match, and 2 timeouts allowed for tiebreakers. Timeouts are 30 seconds.
Other Rules
You may only issue a challenge to the same person more than once between tournaments if you beat them and then they challenge and beat a person above you.
Any player unable to complete a challenge match due to injury will be moved to the bottom of the ladder and allowed a free challenge once they are healthy
Ladder Tournament
The ladder tournament is held in the first month of each season (usually September) to decide the initial rankings of the tournament players.
The tournament is round robin format – everyone will play everyone.
Each matchup will consist of one game to 11 points (no win by two).
One thirty-second timeout per game in a ladder tournament game is allowed.
The points accumulated from all of the tournament matchups will be totaled for each player, and these sums will determine the rankings of the players at the end of the tournament.
Doubles Ladder
There is no doubles ladder, just pairings decided at practice for tournaments
Uses the singles ladder to determine pairings. (Ex: #1 and #2 play together, #3 and #4, etc.)
This is true unless all 4 members affected agree to a pairing switch.